Heather Abu-Sitta joined our staff in 2024 and teaches yoga. Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, she majored in ballet at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, and attended summer programs at New York State Summer School of the Arts (NYSSSA), The Rock School for Dance Education, and Boston Ballet. She also completed a degree in education at Buffalo State University and is trained in yoga by Baron Baptiste.​ She has previously been a ballet teacher at dance schools in WNY.​ Heather is the mother of 3 daughters, one of which is a student at CBWNY.
Q: What is one piece of advice you have for dance students?
A: Get comfortable failing, you can not improve without it!​​
Perfect double? Don't get comfortable there.
Fail a triple over and over again until you get it.
​Q: What is your favorite ballet?
A: Jewels by George Balanchine​
Q: What is something you enjoy doing in our free time?
A: I love decorating and being artistic
​Q: What is one thing you wish you could learn how to do?
A: Drive a Formula One Car and make furniture!